Let’s talk about Eve…

Eve was our first lady, our first mother, mother of all.  Eve had no mother, so how did she learn to be a wife and mother herself?  Since Genesis does not elaborate much on Eve’s disposition as a woman besides her choice to sin, we can only assume that God must have equipped her with the emotions and femininity that lies deeply rooted within the female genetic code.  Let us not forget that God put that there, this was part of His creation in women.

What brought her and Adam together intimately?  Was it love or lust? (post-eating of the forbidden fruit), although goodness and Godliness still resided in their hearts.  How did Eve know that she had to offer her breasts to her children as a source of food – instinct? Since Eve was brought into the world as a companion for Adam, did she live up to keeping good company with her husband?  Was she moody; when she had her monthly menstruals, did she know what was happening to her or did she freak out everytime at the sight of blood?  Did she think she would die each time she gave birth, excruciating pain wracking her body?  What did Adam think? I can almost hear him saying “I was lonely, I asked for a companion, I received the most beautiful creation from God and now look at her – she nags, she complains, she screams blood curdling cries when she gives birth, every few weeks she ignores me and I never seem to bring enough food or design a good enough home. God please take her back!”

As we all know, God created Adam and Eve with utter perfection, but ignoring God’s one command changed all of that.  Until then, Adam must have really been enjoying Eve.

For one to understand Eve’s pre-sinful nature, we need to look at the Scriptures.  Even after the gates to Eden were permanently shut after Adam and Eve’s demise, God still had a plan, plan B we might call it, because He never gives up on us. That plan B was spoken through wise old King Solomon and it is mostly the book of Proverbs that we shall visit to decode the voice of God speaking to the hearts of women.

We all need to become Eve again, not the one of the world but the one that God designed.

(Look out next week for this follow up).


Women – who are we supposed to be?

Watch this space as this portion of ‘Spirit’ will be continued each week with some seriously interesting discussion on how women have lost their identities and how to re-discover them again, from a spiritual perspective.

Have we somehow lost sight of our purpose amidst the pressures of the world? As mothers and wives and sisters; do we remember what our roles are?

Women today have become overburdened, confused, unappreciated, lost in a spinning cycle that seems to know no end.  We want children, careers, supportive husbands, and somewhere amongst that, a nice holiday…so we can go home and start it all over again.  We clothe ourselves in brave smiles, encouraging voices and embrace our families at times with arms that feel like lead, when all the world around us is really falling apart…  What are we doing wrong and how do we make it right?

Let’s start at the beginning.  Let’s attempt to decode the labyrinth that we are lost in and find a way to make things easier for ourselves.  Let’s try and make sense of what being a woman in our 21st century is all about and how we can become the fulfilled, overjoyed and blissfully happy women we were created to be.

Let’s talk about Eve.  Yes – Adam’s Eve.

Eve was our first lady, our first mother, mother of all.  Eve had no mother, so how did she learn to be a wife and mother herself?  Since Genesis does not elaborate much on Eve’s disposition as a woman besides her choice to sin, we can only assume that God must have equipped her with emotions, protectiveness and womanly ways that lies deeply rooted within the female genetic code.  Let us not forget that God put that there, this was part of His creation of women.

What brought her and Adam together intimately?  Was it love or lust? (This was a sinful world now after all), although goodness and Godliness still resided in their hearts.  How did Eve know that she had to offer her breasts to her children as a source of food – instinct?  Since Eve was brought into the world as a companion for Adam, did she live up to keeping good company with her husband?  Was she moody; when she had her monthly menstruals, did she know what was happening to her or did she freak out everytime at the sight of blood. Did she think that she would die each time she gave birth, excruciating pain wracking her body? What did Adam think? I can almost hear him saying “I was lonely, I asked for a companion, I received the most beautiful creation from God and now look at her – she nags, she complains, she gets cranky, the food I bring and the home we live in never seems to be good enough. God please take her back!”

As we know, God created Adam and Eve with utter perfection, but ignoring God’s one command changed all that.  Until then, Adam must have really been enjoying Eve.  For one to understand Eve’s pre-sinful nature, we need to look at the Scriptures.  Even after the gates to Eden were permanently shut after Adam and Eve’s demise, God still had a plan, plan B we might call it, because He never gives up on us.  That plan B was spoken through wise old King Solomon and the thread of ‘Becoming Eve’ shall include much of it’s reference from the book of Proverbs to decode the voice of God speaking to the hearts of women.

We all need to become Eve again, not the one of the world, but the one that God designed.